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September is National Suicide Prevention Month

Suicide Prevention Month occurs during September, a time when awareness is raised, stigma is reduced, and support is provided to those with suicidal thoughts. Despite the seriousness and complexity of suicide, it is preventable. We can help individuals in need by understanding the causes of suicidal ideation and understanding the signs.

The Devastating Impact of Stigma Around Suicide

As well as those who have lost a loved one to suicide, individuals who are struggling with suicidal thoughts can feel adversely impacted by the stigma surrounding suicide.

For those experiencing suicidal thoughts:

  • Reduces hope and increases distress. In addition to feeling hopeless and despairing, judgment and rejection can lead to feelings of inadequacy.

  • It worsens mental health. Mental health stigma can exacerbate existing conditions and prevent people from seeking treatment.

  • Shame and embarrassment are increased. It is possible for individuals to internalize negative beliefs about themselves, resulting in a spiral of self-doubt.

  • Has a negative impact on self-esteem. Self-esteem can be eroded by stigma, making suicidal thoughts harder to cope with.

  • Support is less likely to be sought. When people are in need of help, stigma can prevent them from seeking it.

  • Relationships between people and at work become more difficult. Maintaining healthy relationships can be difficult due to stigma, which can lead to misunderstandings and isolation.

  • Isolates people from each other. An individual's fear of judgment can make them avoid social interactions, contributing to feelings of loneliness and despair.

For those bereaved by suicide:

  • A negative attitude and social awkwardness. It can be difficult to grieve openly due to stigma and avoidance.

  • Feelings of rejection, shame, and guilt. Individuals who have lost a loved one to suicide may internalize negative thoughts about themselves.

  • Reactions that are misinformed. Uncertainty and confusion can result from a lack of understanding and sensitivity.

  • Disclosure is avoided. There can be secrecy about a death's cause due to fear of stigmatization.

The stigma surrounding suicide must be challenged and broken down. In order to create a more compassionate and accepting environment for those who struggle with suicidal thoughts as well as those who have lost a loved one to suicide, we must promote understanding, empathy, and support for those who struggle with depression and suicidal thoughts.

Factors Affecting Suicide Risk

A variety of factors contribute to suicide, including those affecting individuals, relationships, communities, and societies. Our understanding of these factors can help us identify and support individuals who may be at risk.

Individual factors:

  • A previous attempt at suicide

  • Mental health conditions like depression or bipolar disorder

  • A chronic illness or pain

  • Substance abuse

  • Experiencing violence

  • Hopelessness

  • A tendency to act impulsively or aggressively

In addition to strong coping skills, reasons for living may also be protective factors. 

Relationship factors:

  • Getting bullied

  • History of suicide in the family

  • The loss of a loved one

  • Relationships that are strained or violent

  • Social isolation

It could be beneficial to have supportive relationships and strong social connections as protective factors.

Community factors:

  • Access to healthcare is limited

  • Violence in the community

  • Discrimination

  • Historical trauma

An important protective factor could be a sense of belonging, access to quality healthcare, and community resources that support you.

Societal factors:

  • The stigma surrounding mental health

  • Easy access to lethal means

  • Suicide is portrayed in an unsafe manner in the media

Reducing access to lethal means and portraying mental illness positively in the media could serve as protective factors.

How to Help Someone in Need

It's important to offer support to someone who may be suicidal if you are concerned about them. From 988 Lifeline, here are some tips:

  • Ask. It has been shown that asking a person if they are considering suicide can save their life.A genuine expression of concern can relieve suicidal thoughts and reduce them.

  • Be There. Taking the time to listen without judgment can make a significant difference. Depression, suicidal ideation, and hopelessness are reduced in individuals who feel heard and understood.

  • Keep them safe. Suicide rates can be significantly reduced by limiting access to lethal means. Ensure that harmful substances are removed as well as weapons.

  • Help them stay connected. Individuals can find resources and encouragement by building a support network.As a result, feelings of hopelessness and isolation can be reduced.

  • Follow up. For individuals who have recently been discharged from hospitals or care facilities, ongoing support and contact can be crucial for suicide prevention.

Resources for Support

People experiencing suicidal thoughts and their loved ones have access to many resources. A few examples are as follows:

A Message of Hope

In order to prevent suicide, we must work together. As a society, we can become more compassionate and understanding by raising awareness, challenging stigmas, and offering support. It is important to remember that there is hope and that help is available. If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, ask for help.

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Colby Adkins
Colby Adkins
a day ago

The advice on how to assist a person in need is very useful. Direct inquiries and constant assistance can make all the difference. stickman hook


The tips on how to help someone in need are incredibly practical. Asking direct questions and offering consistent support can make all the snake game difference.


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